Achieva Life | Financial, Money Management, & Lifestyle Tips

Brought to you by Achieva Credit Union, Achieva Life is a blog dedicated to bringing you unique, interesting and useful content. Achieva Life is more than just credit union news; it’s about lifestyle, community, and communication. Come to Achieva Life to connect with content that aims to help your financial and overall well-being.

What Can We Teach Kids About Finances? A Question Beyond Responsibility.

By | Achieva in the Community, Articles, Finance, Lifestyle | No Comments
No matter your household style, there are a few basic standards when it comes to money. Have you ever wondered what can we teach kids about finances? Let's face it, this is the next generation we're talking about. The future trail-blazers and proprietors of our country. They should know a little something about money, right? Correct! This post will show you how to give the kids a few monetary pointers and answer the questions that go beyond the term “responsibility". Along with this post, April is Credit Union Youth Month. We are celebrating by giving out free bookmarks and coloring...
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Impulse Buying: Shocking News About Young Generations

By | Articles | No Comments
Some pretty shocking news has circulated about our younger generations. Even though the target specifically critiques a certain age of people, we felt it helpful to share an article that everyone can use. What's the hype, you ask? Well, Forbes recently released, "Shop Like A Millennial: Lots Of Impulse Buying, No Big Ticket Items". That's pretty crazy. So, if you ever found yourself loading up your cart with things you did not intend to buy, we're going to show you how to stop it. A few things you should know about impulse buying... It happens to the best of us. Impulse buying technically means...
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Hatching Announcement

By | Achieva in the Community, Articles | No Comments
Achieva Credit Union is proud to announce the hatching of the first two fledgling chicks cared for by Jack and Diane, a pair of wild osprey who live in a nest located on a custom built platform by Achieva in St. Petersburg. Achieva helped build a platform for this new perch to protect the osprey pair, after the birds built a prior nest in a dangerous spot nearby. Now, you can watch the happy family via a special live webcam Achieva established here: Jack and Diane have been caring for three eggs, so we are eagerly awaiting developments with...
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About Achieva Credit Union

Established in 1937, Achieva Credit Union provides GOOD banking experiences to people from all walks of life. Unlike big banks, we are not-for-profit and are owned and operated by the members we serve. That means we’re accountable to you, not outside shareholders. With branches located conveniently along Florida’s Gulf Coast, we provide financial services such as checking and savings accounts, credit cards, refinancing, loans, and more. Discover the credit union difference at today. 

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