Achieva Life | Financial, Money Management, & Lifestyle Tips

Brought to you by Achieva Credit Union, Achieva Life is a blog dedicated to bringing you unique, interesting and useful content. Achieva Life is more than just credit union news; it’s about lifestyle, community, and communication. Come to Achieva Life to connect with content that aims to help your financial and overall well-being.

Thinking Outside the 9-5 Box: 5 Ways to Create Extra Income

By | Articles, Finance, Lifestyle | No Comments
It’s easy for an entire paycheck to get eaten up by mortgage payments, bills, and other essentials, leaving very little to spend on the enjoyable things in life like vacations, hobbies, and entertainment. While many people may rely on credit cards to pay for the nonessential “extras” in life, there are other ways to scrape together “fun money” without piling up unnecessary debt. All it takes is a little creativity and thinking outside of the “9 to 5” box. Here are a few short-term side-income opportunities that will work alongside your current full-time job. 1) Rummage Sales Rummage (or garage)...
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Steer Clear of These Car Buying Myths

By | Articles, Finance | No Comments
For most of us, purchasing a vehicle is one of the first major financial decisions we make in our lives. With so many vehicle choices and financing options, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with the entire process. It’s also very easy to make a mistake, which can cost you a lot of time and money in the long run. Here are a few common myths and considerations to keep in mind as you begin shopping for your next vehicle. Myth #1: Leasing is always the best option. When you purchase a new car, you really have two main options, “leasing”...
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What the EMV?!

By | Articles, Finance, Technology | No Comments
Most people understand what the acronyms OMG, SMH, and LOL mean. But what about EMV? You may have heard of EMV, and possibly have seen new EMV readers at retailers, but what exactly is it? More importantly, why should you care? EMV stands for Europay, MasterCard, Visa (the three companies that developed the technology) and is a new security feature embedded in ATM, debit, and credit cards. Instead of the old method of storing your information on a magnetic stripe, EMV cards store your information on a “chip”, which is a small integrated circuit. EMV cards are not “swiped” at...
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About Achieva Credit Union

Established in 1937, Achieva Credit Union provides GOOD banking experiences to people from all walks of life. Unlike big banks, we are not-for-profit and are owned and operated by the members we serve. That means we’re accountable to you, not outside shareholders. With branches located conveniently along Florida’s Gulf Coast, we provide financial services such as checking and savings accounts, credit cards, refinancing, loans, and more. Discover the credit union difference at today. 

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