How to Avoid Online Binge Shopping During Rainy Days

How to Avoid Online Binge Shopping During Rainy Days

It seems like the weather this year has been extremely temperamental. Nearly every afternoon, its downpour after downpour. Even worse, the rain has people trapped inside for long periods of time. Have you ever thought of how bad weather affects online shopping habits? One of the key complaints associated with gloomy indoor days is increased internet usage. This, in turn, leads to higher chances of online binge shopping.

In fact, retailers know that you are more apt to spend online during these times. How can we avoid impulse spending while waiting indoors for the rain to clear? Continue reading to learn more.

Retailers are waiting for bad weather

The Washington Post once reported that a major craft store increased sales by running its ads just before a set of expected rainy days. The store predicted that customers would most likely plan to stay indoors making it the perfect time to work on craft projects. Additionally, the store understood how to use expedited shipping offers to increase this cycle of bad weather profitability.

How to stop excessively buying things online

If you are looking for ways to nix your online binge shopping during rainy days, take a few pointers from this list.

1. Create a waiting period- Require all online purchases wait for at least 30 days from your first impulse.
2. Plan your purchases in advance- If the item is not written in the plan, the item cannot be purchased.
3. Hide your credit card- This may sound drastic, but some people need to limit access to their accounts in order to stop spending.
4. Do not go online- Avoid going online if you know you are prone to shop.
5. Turn off conveniences- Opt out of one-click purchasing and other “easy shop” conveniences.
6. Unscribe from store lists- Steer clear of temptation by unsubscribing from store emails.

Prepare yourself to avoid online binge shopping

The next time you expect inclement weather in your area, be prepared. By understanding that indoor boredom can often lead to online binge shopping, you can do more to prevent it.



The Washington Post, The weird ways the weather makes you buy things
The Simple Dollar, 10 Simple Ways to Beat Impulse Buying

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