Easy Summer Gardening Tips for People on a Budget

Behold, the beauty of summer! It’s a time for soaking in Florida’s best sunshine, as well as sprucing up your outdoor oasis. Nothing can make a yard pop like a colorful arrangement of perfectly planted flowers. If you’re looking for easy summer gardening tips, you’ve come to the right place. Furthermore, we’re focusing how to build your landscape while still maintaining a budget. Are you ready to get started? Grab your gardening gloves and read on…

Don’t let your potted plants get too hot.

Florida heat is no joke. As soon as you step outside, you can immediately feel the blast of hot weather. In regards to your potted plants, position in an area that is not in direct sunshine for more than 8 hours a day. Even if the type of plant states full sun, pots tend to magnify the temperature more than the ground would. As part of our budget-friendly, easy summer gardening tips, we suggest placing a little bit of dirt within the pot’s bottom saucer. Keeping this bottom layer of sand moist will keep potted roots cool and healthy.

Water in the morning, not the evening.

This goes for your lawn and your garden. By watering before the sun rises, your flowery treasures will have a chance to get a cool drink, but also to dry off. Watering in the evening leaves them to sit in moisture all night long, and that leads to mildew. Nothing says wasting money more than habitually rotting flowers.

Collect seeds from last nights dinner.

Did you chop your own veggies for dinner last night? How about saving the seeds? You can then use them as part of your vegetable garden. If it’s not the season for that particular vegetable, then dry store them until it’s time. You can also grow an edible food garden from kitchen scraps. Things like onion roots, potato peels, and celery stumps are viable and will regrow into all new vegetables. Search Google for “growing food from scraps“.


When it comes to pots, get creative with containers rather than purchasing new ones every year. On the list of easy summer gardening tips, recycling is a big part of saving serious money. Think of new ways to use items such as old Tupperware, bowls, jars, bricks, concrete blocks, or buckets. The possibilities are endless.

Make your own compost and use it as fertilizer.

Make your own personalized and pesticide-free compost. Store veggie scraps with a mixture of leaves and grass in a small bin and you’re good to go. Remember not to add any meat or dairy products. Bonus points if you can conjure up a few backyard earthworms to help with the compost breakdown. Creating your own organic fertilizer will save you a ton of money in comparison to buying bags, and bags, of Miracle-Gro.

Are you as excited as we are to get your green thumb going? These easy summer gardening tips are completely simple and cost-effective. Doing a few steps like recycling, composting, and correctly watering make all the difference. Until next time, enjoy the Florida outdoors. We hope your summer stays GOOD.

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