
Sharing the GOOD

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Our members are always on the go, and we understand that. It may be for different reasons – business meetings, soccer games, leisure travel - but there's one thing you all have in common: membership at Achieva Credit Union. And you want access to your accounts – even when you can't get to one of our branches. In fact, when you’re on the go, we’re right there with you, with convenient locations across town, around Florida — even nationwide! These are called CO-OP Shared Branches. Achieva Credit Union’s participation in the CO-OP Shared Branch network means convenience when, where and...
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Build the Perfect Budget in 15 Minutes!

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Ah, the dreaded “B” word, “BUDGET”. Is it said out loud in your household? If not, it may be time to start allowing it! Properly discussing and implementing a monthly budget is a great way to track and manage your finances. In fact, once you correctly set and follow a budget, you’ll most likely feel like you received a pay raise, when in fact you are bringing home the same paycheck as your previous no-budgeting self. Budgeting is a continual process, so don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t seem to work for you right away. It will take a few...
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Save Big On Your Next Vacation with These Online Tools

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You’ve probably heard of travel websites like Kayak, Expedia, Travelocity and Priceline. After all, it’s nearly impossible to watch an hour of TV without seeing one of their commercials. These websites can definitely help you find some great travel deals, but the World Wide Web is full of other websites and resources that can save you big money on your next trip or vacation. Here are a few lesser-known online resources that can come in handy for budget-conscious travelers. Twitter Believe it or not, you can find some really great travel deals just by following the major airlines on Twitter....
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Saving on Auto Maintenance Tasks

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As any vehicle owner can attest, a visit to the repair shop is usually not an inexpensive affair. In fact, statistics show that the average cost of a vehicle repair in Florida is just over $300. Taking the time and effort to properly maintain your vehicle is a great way to avoid those costly trips to the mechanic. Although there are a few maintenance jobs that are better left in the hands of a qualified professional, there are a number of jobs that you can most likely tackle yourself. With a little research and a few tools, you can save...
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Home Improvement Projects that Give You the Best Bang for Your Buck

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When it comes to home improvements, deciding which projects to tackle can greatly affect your return on investment when it comes time to sell your home. Sure, that custom heart-shaped hot tub deck may appeal to you, but what about potential buyers? According to research and statistics compiled by the trade magazine, “Remodeling”, here are five remodeling projects that have proven to be some of the best long-term remodeling investments for homeowners. New Front Door Most people understand the importance of a home’s curb appeal. An old and outdated door can make your home less inviting to guests and potential...
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Power Through Your To-Do List with These Productivity Tips

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You know the feeling. After a long day at work, you collapse onto the couch and think, “Why am I so tired? I didn’t even get anything done today!” There’s definitely a big difference between putting in hours at work and actually being productive. While at work, it’s easy to get distracted by email, coworker conversations, unnecessary meetings, and last minute assignments. It’s up to you to brush these distractions aside and power through your daily to-do list. These productivity tips can help! The Pomodoro Technique In the early 1990s, an entrepreneur and author named Francesco Cirillo invented a new,...
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Five Tips for Creating a More Energy-Efficient Household

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Making your home more energy efficient is not only environmentally responsible, but fiscally responsible as well. By making a few simple changes around your home, you can conserve energy and reduce your monthly utility bills. Here are a few simple “household hacks” that will help improve the efficiency of your home. Install a Smart Thermostat Even though programmable thermostats have been around for quite some time, most people don’t even bother actually taking advantage of the programmable features. All too often, programmable thermostats remain at the same temperature all day, with minor adjustments made manually on occasion. Without effective programming,...
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Is it Finally Time to Ditch Cable TV?

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A recent study from the Liechtman Research Group reported that the average monthly cable TV bill is $99.10, a whopping 39% increase since 2010. When you add in taxes, fees, and equipment costs, it doesn’t take long for that number to balloon to $150 or even $200 a month. With all of the various entertainment options available today, it may be time to strongly reconsider shelling out that kind of cash every month for traditional subscription-based programming. For a small investment of around $100, you can purchase a Roku, Apple TV, or similar device and begin streaming online content directly...
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Thinking Outside the 9-5 Box: 5 Ways to Create Extra Income

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It’s easy for an entire paycheck to get eaten up by mortgage payments, bills, and other essentials, leaving very little to spend on the enjoyable things in life like vacations, hobbies, and entertainment. While many people may rely on credit cards to pay for the nonessential “extras” in life, there are other ways to scrape together “fun money” without piling up unnecessary debt. All it takes is a little creativity and thinking outside of the “9 to 5” box. Here are a few short-term side-income opportunities that will work alongside your current full-time job. 1) Rummage Sales Rummage (or garage)...
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Steer Clear of These Car Buying Myths

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For most of us, purchasing a vehicle is one of the first major financial decisions we make in our lives. With so many vehicle choices and financing options, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with the entire process. It’s also very easy to make a mistake, which can cost you a lot of time and money in the long run. Here are a few common myths and considerations to keep in mind as you begin shopping for your next vehicle. Myth #1: Leasing is always the best option. When you purchase a new car, you really have two main options, “leasing”...
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