
Hurricane Matthew – A Diversity of Relief Missions

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As expected, Hurricane Matthew has left devastation in its wake, especially in Haiti and parts of the Caribbean. Humanitarian organizations are already hard at work, as food, water and medical supplies are in heavy demand. Thousands of relief workers will be deployed to the affected areas, and relief agencies will be seeking monetary support for their efforts. Sometimes it can be difficult to decide which organization to support financially, because we don’t know much about them. The following is a reference guide to introduce you to groups whose overall missions may align with your personal values. Each group is a...
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National Voter Registration Day

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If you are like many Americans, you’re already suffering from political campaign burnout. So many talking heads, so much mud-slinging, all that patriotic fervor – it’s enough to make you throw up your hands and declare, “I’m out!” But before you make the decision to hide under a rock on November 8th, consider the following reasons why voting is so important. You Can Only Legit Complain About the Results if You Vote Did you know that only 57% of eligible American voters cast a ballot in 2012? That means that 43% of voters didn’t even bother. So roughly a little...
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Show Your Best Side – Body Language Can Make or Break Your Job Interview

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Job interviews easily qualify as one of life’s more nerve wracking situations. Like it or not, you have to perform, and all eyes are on you. Your resume is prepared, your wardrobe is spot on, you’ve practiced deep breathing to steady the nerves – but have you taken inventory of your body language? Often times your nervous habits will betray your smooth outward appearance. Let’s take a look at a few key areas where a little awareness can result in a big boost in your appeal to prospective employers. First Impressions A prospective employer’s evaluation of you starts well before...
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Penny Pinching Reasons to Love Trader Joe’s

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If you’ve ever shopped at a Trader Joe’s market you are probably already a fan. What’s not to like about their laid back, tropical vibe, complete with palm trees, tikis and the ubiquitous aloha shirt? Their dedication to offering top quality products is unparalleled, and TJ buyers go out of their way to introduce new and exotic tastes to the American public. The quarterly “Fearless Flyer”, with its tongue-in-cheek Victorian cartoons, is a catalogue of TJ’s latest finds. But did you know that in addition to the fun of exploring the shelves, Trader Joe’s has some of the lowest prices...
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Cut Down on Chaos With These Organizational Tips

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Life is hectic. It’s just that simple. And when we feel swamped by the number of activities that fill our days it’s tempting to become lax in keeping ourselves organized. Organization feels like a chore, mostly because we don’t make the attempt until it’s too late – piles of unopened mail are spilling onto the floor, we’re out of toothpaste and we can’t find our keys. So let’s take a preemptive strike against chaos. The following tips, if followed consistently, can help manage some of the most basic daily stressors. Make Your Bed! If you are hearing your mother’s voice...
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Everything You Need to Know About Renters Insurance

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Renters insurance (or HO-4) is an insurance policy where the tenant’s personal property is covered against power surges, water damage, vandalism, lightning, hail, windstorms, explosions, civil commotions, riots, smoke, volcanic eruptions, falling objects, damages caused by vehicles, damages caused by aircraft, damages caused by the weight of snow or sleet or ice, malicious mischief, thefts, and fires. It does not cover the actual structure. The owner, not the renter, is responsible for insurance on the actual building but is not in any way responsible for what is inside a tenant’s residence. Some landlords may even require that the renter purchase...
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Peak Season: Hurricane Preparedness

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The Atlantic hurricane season is in full swing, with the peak of the season occurring from mid-August through October. Each year the coast experiences an average of six hurricanes, three of which are considered “major”. Following the guidelines below can help you safely prepare for and ride out the storm. BE PREPARED Know your evacuation routes, especially if you live near the coast. Know which roads are likely to be closed, and map out alternate routes for leaving your area Find out how the emergency plans for your child’s school or care facility address hurricanes, and if you are required...
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Exciting New Improvements Coming to the Achieva Paw Park!

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Thanks to Brandon Galley from Boy Scout Troop 177 in New Port Richey, FL and Beneful’s Dream Dog Park Project Team! Before our Paw Park came to fruition, we had no idea the impact it would have on the community. While many dog owners have expressed gratitude for the park, we are just happy to be able to serve our community in this way; it’s just the Achieva way. Because the Paw Park is an ongoing project for us, we are always looking for ways to improve it for the dogs and their owners. While the park has lots of...
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Do I Really Need a Credit Card?

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The merits of the credit card have been hotly debated since the first universal card debuted in 1950. And once debit cards became popular in the late 1980s, many experts opined that credit cards were no longer necessary. This is not exactly true; while the debit card serves many of the same functions as a traditional credit card it lacks some of the credit card’s key advantages. In short, the answer is YES, you do need a credit card. Here’s why: Protection In today’s digital world, it pays to be cautious. Using a credit card instead of a debit card...
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Cheap Flight Day: It’s a Real Thing!

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Looking for a great travel deal? Mark your calendar for August 23rd! What’s so special about that day? Taco Tuesday? Yes – especially if you want to be eating tacos in Cancun. For the airline industry, August 23rd signifies the beginning of the fall travel season, which means that air fares are usually discounted by ten to twenty percent or more. According to Rick Seaney, CEO of Fare Compare, the demand for leisure travel drops off sharply right around the last week of August, since most students are back in school by that time. To bolster business, airlines begin discounting...
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