
Now is the Best Time to Buy a New Car

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Did you know that December is the best time to buy a new car? Specifically speaking, the closer to the end of December, the better. However, before we go all in on the subject, there are a few things you will need to know. In fact, those who are familiar with the car buying process are the ones that benefit the most from the experience. So, if you're one of those people who were looking for that final push, here is your sign. Continue reading to learn why now is the best time to buy a new vehicle; as well as, how to do it....
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Business Small Talk- Time for the Company Party

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No man, or woman, is an island. We all have to unite in some form, or fashion, to make humanity revolve. It's simply that conversations, with those other than your closet friends or family, feel so awkward. Additionally, what if the stakes were raised because the people you have to mingle with are your bosses and their colleagues? Yes, people, this is the real deal. I'm talking about the company party. Below, we will show you how to master business small talk right before the office festivities. Start by appreciating its value. Business small talk is important. "It isn’t just about being gregarious or entertaining- it’s a...
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Habits of People with Awesome Time Management Skills

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Have you ever wondered about the people that seem to have all their ducks lined up, in a perfectly straight, harmonious row? How do they have a schedule that allows them to do all these cool things, and maintain their daily obligations without fail? I mean, we all share the same 24 hours each day. How come their day falls together so much better? The answer my friends is that they have awesome time management skills. They have successfully figured out how to rock at life, the most productive and efficient way possible. Our post will explain the common habits and how...
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(Not So) Happy Holiday Shopping Scams

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It’s that time of the year – the gift giving holidays have arrived! And while you are merrily surfing the web in search of the perfect gift for your BFF, cyber thieves are merrily attempting to steal your identity. There’s no faster way to take the ho-ho out of holiday than to discover you are the victim of cybercrime and your bank account is empty. Achieva wants to help prevent that from happening to you this year. Here are some easy ways to protect yourself from being victimized online. Avoid Phishing If you are a heavy email user, you are...
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Keep the Costs of Thanksgiving Traditions Within Budget

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Thanksgiving is a time for family, food, and fun. It's a holiday that you love hosting, even though the crowd grows bigger and bigger each year. Everyone is excited and ready to sit at your table. There's just one issue: you desire to save money. How do you do it all, yet keep Thanksgiving traditions within budget? The following strategies can make Turkey Day a success without going overboard on the spending. First, set up a game plan. Did you know that grocery stores often have holiday promotions to boost the sales of certain items? They work directly with manufactures during peak seasons. By purchasing...
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The 2016 Way to Save on Holiday Travel

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Last year, roughly 47 million Americans traveled for Thanksgiving. In addition, that number is set to increase for this year. With friends and family as the biggest reasons for our holiday journeys, one can't help but anticipate the expense. I mean, face it, you can't exactly say no to the big family dinner on Turkey Day. However, even though majority of us will go more than 50 miles to feast on the big bird, there's still hope for your pocket book. The following article contains all the very 2016 ways to save on holiday travel. Save on holiday travel using Facebook. There are tons of Facebook pages dedicated to...
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7th Annual Box Car Rally Races to Success!

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Three thousand eager spectators ascended the hill in Downtown Clearwater’s Cleveland Street District, watching the competitors jockey for position with their vehicles. Some cars were sleek and shiny, looking as though they were moving fast even when standing still. Others…not so much. Teams in their matching jerseys warmed up, jogging and jumping, jiving and high-fiving. Parents scrambled around, getting their Pee Wee leaguers ready for competition; buckling helmets, double-checking bolts. And then it was time. The checkered flag dropped on the 7th Annual Achieva Box Car Rally on Saturday, October 22nd. With two divisions and six race classes, 65 entrants...
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Your Morning Routine Needs Improvement

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How many of us do it? We lay in bed, after the alarm rings, and deliberate on pressing snooze, yet again. Something has got to give with the morning routine you currently have. Maybe it's all the little things that add up. Or maybe, you're using time to check your Instagram; when instead, you should be getting dressed. Never fear. We've got a solution to have you sipping on your latte with a smile, and never dread morning again. First, a good morning starts with a good night. Here, a little investment of time goes a long way. Every evening, you should pack your...
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Halloween Party Food on a Budget

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Great news for those of you expected to show up at a Halloween party with a dish to share – or those whose kids are begging for a spooky meal before trick or treating: for this holiday, loads of creativity – not loads of cash – will reap raves from the famished. Let’s start with a VEGGIE TRAY. The centerpiece here is a “barfing” jack o lantern. Hollow out a small Sugar Pie pumpkin and carve a pained-looking expression, making sure to create a big, round O for the mouth. Place the pumpkin at one end of the serving platter...
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Membership Makes a Difference!

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When you jump online to make sure your car payment was released as scheduled, or drop by a branch to use the ATM, consider the reasons WHY you trust Achieva with your financial transactions. Why did you choose a Credit Union instead of a traditional banking institution? “It’s close to my house” “My mother banks there” “They had the best loan rates” All of those are good reasons, but Credit Unions represent so much more than convenience and great rates. Credit Unions are not-for-profit, member-owned financial cooperatives that are governed by 9 specific principles that make an authentic difference in...
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