
extra cash

Five Creative Ideas to Make Some Extra Cash

By | Articles, Business, Finance, Lifestyle | No Comments
How would you like a little extra cash? If you’re shaking your head yes, then you should keep reading! Most people would enjoy making a little spending money on the side. Throw in a stressful, challenging crisis, and the idea becomes almost a necessity. Good news! There are TONS of great ways to pad your budget. Even better, it doesn’t involve digging through your couch cushions—not that we’re saying that’s a bad idea. Here are a few ideas you can try: 1. Become an affiliate marketer. It’s NOT as hard as it sounds. When you find a cool product, you...
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Bad Debt Tops Over $100 Billion in Expected Defaults

Easy Ways To Avoid Bad Debt

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As businesses make their quarterly earnings announcements, the nation's five largest lenders expect a loss. Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, and U.S. Bancorp claim that defaults due to the Coronavirus will cause a significant amount of debt. Collectively, the amounts of projected damages top over $100 billion. How can you avoid bad debt when these companies couldn't? How companies are handling debt worldwide A shift in retail sales caused many suppliers abnormality regarding their inventory and cash flow. Major companies, such as Nike, reported to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that they have millions of dollars in bad...
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Is the Traditional Workplace Office Obsolete?

Is the Traditional Workplace Office Obsolete?

By | Articles, Business | No Comments
As economists discuss current trends, they commonly point out the shift regarding the workplace. Previously considered conventional, paying for space for workers to gather seems more like a financial burden in today's times. Did the pandemic make the office obsolete? Or was it unnecessary all along? How the office was invented The office's origin is simple. In the past, individuals did not have the proper resources to conduct their jobs. Employers owned the equipment, and the employees went to work to use it. The creation of the office provided a way to give workers tools, as well as ensure production....
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How Take-Home Kits Help with Small Business Survival

How Take-Home Kits Help with Small Business Survival

By | Articles, Business, COVID19 | No Comments
More than ever, small businesses depend on creativity to get over the slump. With the current situation, many owners adjust their offerings in dynamic ways to fulfill their customers' needs. For instance, think of your local ice cream shop. Customers are not able to dine inside; however, they can take orders with them. The shop needs revenue, as much as the customers want their ice cream. The take-home kit presents a perfect solution to this problem. Imagine, a pint of Rocky Road, four cones, and toppings available for convenient drive-thru pick up. Very good right? Small business survival is all...
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The Most Proven Leadership Interview Questions for Business Growth

The Most Proven Leadership Interview Questions for Business Growth

By | Articles, Business | No Comments
Good employees are essential in making a business run; however, how do you find the right people to allow the business to grow? We gathered the top leadership interview questions that will optimize the hiring process. Investing in the workforce Both business owners and potential employees can benefit by understanding the thought process behind these questions. When an interview is geared towards finding leadership, that means the business wants to invest in its workforce. They are not simply trying to fill spots. They are looking for candidates with greater potential. Without further ado, here are 6 leadership interview questions for...
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Extra Funding to Support Your Successful Business Ideas

Get Extra Funding to Grow Your Business Ideas

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Resources make a huge difference between thriving or failing. The right employees, equipment, and determination will help your business succeed. Imagine all the ways your customer base could grow if there was only some additional cash flow. See how extra funding can grow your business ideas by reading more below. What is an Achieva Small Business Loan? Big or small, your business needs financing options. With our highly personalized levels of service and a wide variety of business loans, Achieva has the tools you require. Successful business ideas start by having proper funding. With a Small Business Loan, growth is just...
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4 Simple Employee Hiring Tips for Small Business Owners

4 Simple Tips on How to Hire Employees for Small Business Owners

By | Articles, Business, Work and Productivity | No Comments
Employing the right people is so important. Everywhere, small business owners want to offer exceptional customer service and an ethical work environment. But, reigning in the right kind of talent can be tricky. If you're a small business owner on the verge of an expansion, pay attention. Below are some of the best tips on how to hire employees to help your business grow. 1. Define the job correctly First, on our list of employee hiring tips, is to create a job listing that is as detailed as possible. Listings that emphasize a needs-supplies based approach do better than listings that...
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Doing Business in a Store Without Cashiers?

Doing Business in a Store Without Cashiers?

By | Articles, Business, Technology | No Comments
It's a growing trend all over the news. In an increasing effort to be more efficient, kiosks are replacing clerks. What is it like doing business in a store without cashiers? And why does this matter? For some, they enjoy the get-and-go factor. Furthermore, self-checkout kiosks seem like an easy solution to long lines. However, for others, they feel burdened by the lack of human assistance.  Let's take a closer look at the kiosk movement to discover if it's everything it's meant to be. Forbes paints the picture Over and over, Forbes reports about businesses that are switching away from...
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Team Building Exercises to Build Your Small Business

Team Building Activities to Grow Your Small Business

By | Articles, Business | No Comments
Owning a small business is a great endeavor; however, it always seems like there are so many responsibilities. It feels as if everyone involved has to do their part in order for the company to continue growing. One non-participating employee inside of a small business can make a huge negative impact. That's why good morale and unity are important. Want to know ways to boost the work environment and get everybody motivated? Look no further. Here are 4 team building activities that will rock your small business. Exercise 1: Coffee and Brunch Nothing covers ground quicker than a good cup of...
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Do You Need to Refocus Your Small Business?

Do You Need to Refocus Your Small Business?

By | Articles, Business | No Comments
We love being our own boss. So much that small businesses and "solopreneurs" have become a major uprising trend. With advancements in technology,  the potential to reach customers all over the world is huge. Now, as we near the end of the first quarter, instead of having a sense of pride, we're starting to panic. There has been little to no growth and the dream is starting to fade. With all this being said, it may be time to refocus your small business. Create a new roadmap The first way to refocus your small business is to create an updated plan....
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