
Here's What Happens When You Ignore Your Spending Habits

Don’t Ignore Your Unhealthy Spending Habits

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If you make a mistake and ignore your unhealthy spending habits, there could be some unwanted consequences. While it's great to stimulate the economy, we also want to be careful to do it in a responsible way. In this post, we'll cover 4 examples of what could happen if you continuously ignore the way you spend your money. 1: You pay more for the same goods or services On average, people that skip comparison shopping spend more for the same exact goods and services. When you ignore your spending and purchase items without discretion, you run the risk of really...
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Why Credit Union Members are More Satisfied than Bank Customers

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When you first begin to look at the question, bank or credit union, you may be torn. You may not know that credit union members  receive personal service every time they walk into a branch. It’s that personal touch that sets credit unions apart from their banking brethren, but it’s not the only difference that makes credit union membership desirable. For-Profit vs Non-Profit Make no mistake – traditional banks are in business to make a profit. They must answer to a well-paid board of directors, who may or may not even have funds on deposit with the bank they control. As publicly...
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Keep Fraudulent Charges From Your Accounts

Don’t Fall Victim To Consumer Fraud

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There's nothing worse than logging onto your accounts and seeing purchases that should not be there. We wonder how it happened and what we can do to prevent it from reoccurring. Also, what steps should we take once we discover fraudulent charges on our account? Continue reading to learn more information about ID theft and consumer fraud. It's mainly about prevention Prevent consumer fraud by safeguarding your information. A few simple steps will ensure you are not making it easy for others to hack into your account. 1. Never share your passwords First and foremost, do not share your passwords. This goes beyond...
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Last Minute Tax Appointment? Here's How to Get Ready.

Ready for Tax Day? Here’s Your Ultimate Tax Checklist.

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Tax Day is Tuesday, April 17th, 2018. If you're unsure about which items you need for a last-minute tax appointment, you've stumbled across the right post, we'll provide you with an up to date tax checklist that will make your appointment run smoothly. Millions of people, every year, go to tax preparation agencies; however, not everyone knows what to bring. Especially, if they are under the pressure of a deadline. In the following article, we've got a list of the most common things to bring to your tax preparer. Your taxes will be filed and on their way in no...
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Important Reasons to Open a Savings Account for Your Child

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The function of a savings account is to provide for a rainy day. Additionally, the benefits of a savings account with Achieva include things like accrued interest, secure safekeeping, and zero fees. As important as it is for an adult to have a savings account, how often do we think of it for a minor? Believe it or not, there are very meaningful reasons to open a savings account for your child. Teaches responsibility Communicating openly with your child about their savings account will teach them responsibility. They will learn how banking and savings work together and they will also...
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3 Ways to Take Advantage of Home Equity

3 Ways to Take Advantage of Home Equity

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We've all thought about taking out a loan to accomplish the important things in our lives. Whether it was to do emergency repairs or to simply upgrade our living spaces, we wanted to borrow money in the most favorable way possible. Did you know, there are other options available to take advantage of home equity? We have 3 key examples of how you can use cash from a home equity line of credit, and they don't involve your residence. Continue reading to learn more... What is a home equity line of credit? It's fitting to assume that the money from...
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5 Examples of Overspending and How It Hurts Millennials

5 Examples of Overspending and How It Hurts Millennials

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On average, the Millennials of today have higher wage-earning potential than their parents. Money is viewed differently, especially when a person fresh out of college starts working at 5 or 6 figures. There's not the typical entry-level payout and it's changing the Millennial view in regards to cash flow. Below are 5 examples of overspending and how it's hurting the next generation. Modern culture has changed There are so many trends in our culinary culture today and it impacts many Millennials. With increases in food services, food quality, and food education, the prices are more inflated than ever before. Published by...
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What Easter Baskets and Finances Have in Common

What Easter Baskets and Financial Responsibility Have in Common

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Oh, wonderful Spring! It's a time for warmer attire and floral everything. Easter is almost here and that means Easter baskets. states that "over 90 million chocolate Easter bunnies are made each year." In today's fun post, we're exploring what Easter baskets and financial responsibility have in common. Are you in the mood for an egg-cellent time? Well, here we go! Diversity is best The most popular Easter baskets are the ones with a little bit of everything. Diversity in your basket, or financial portfolio, is optimum for the long term. So, when you think about financial responsibility, try...
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7 Ways To Save Money Like the Pros

7 Ways To Save Money Like the Pros

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Do you ever wish you had a little extra cushion in your account? Do you desire to fill your checking with intent? Well, you are definitely not alone. People everywhere want the ability to store away more of their money. Although it's true that most want to save for a rainy day or the unpredictable emergency, many don't know the best way to go about it. We're here to offer practical solutions and easy advice. In fact, here are 7 mega-awesome ways to save money like the pros. Before we begin Let's be real. We want you to meet all of...
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