
Protect Yourself from Scams

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We see it in the news every week – some unsuspecting grandmother tries to withdraw money from an imposter ATM, and instead of getting cash, she loses her life savings as scammers clean out her bank account. “That would never happen to me!” you think – until you become the victim of a “faceless” crime. You won’t even know it is happening until it’s too late. As technology becomes more sophisticated, so do the schemes of those who seek to steal your hard earned savings. A little awareness now can save you a whole lot of time, money and aggravation...
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National Cyber Security Awareness Month

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Happy #CyberSecurityAwareness Month! October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month and we want to help you stay safe online. Don’t let yourself become a victim of ID Theft, fraud or cybercrime. There are many aspects to cybersecurity and they can all have an impact on your financial well-being. Whether you’re managing your bills online, online shopping or simply checking your email, there are steps you can take to ensure that your information stays safe. Check out  for everything you need to know about Cyber Security Awareness Month, tips and resources that will help protect you and your family from...
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Dear First-Time Home Buyer: 4 Things You Need to Know

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Nothing says living the good life like buying your first home. It's a place to establish your roots and make your very own. If you're in the market as a first-time home buyer, we've got a straight forward article just for you. There really are 4 critical things you need to know. House size matters. Buying the right sized house is obviously a major factor. Even more so, having the right size yard is, too. If you plan not to be home over 75% of the time, then having a large Florida lawn may be difficult to maintain. (Unless you...
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Summer Vacation – How to Travel with Friends

By | Articles, College Life, Finance, Lifestyle | No Comments
Traveling with friends sounds like a good idea – one big, Instagram-worthy party - until you’re in the thick of it and disagreements occur. Difficulties often develop around money, especially when some of the travelers need to stick to a budget. A little planning ahead can keep the party on track and mishaps to a minimum. Follow these suggestions to avoid awkward situations: Before You Go Institute a clear channel of communication. Gather everyone in the same room and plan the trip together. Be sure that everyone has the opportunity to make suggestions or voice concerns. Ensure that each person...
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How to Score the Best Deals on Summer Purchases

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The heat index is up and the midyear months of 2017 are bound to include tons of outdoor activities. It is Florida, by the way! No matter if you are a native or newbie, there are a few summer purchases that just scream mandatory. Want to know how to get all of your amenities without losing your pennies? We've got you totally SPF50 covered. Grills Grills are heavy by nature so shopping online is not always a good idea. Shipping can be very expensive. Instead, check prices at your local store and ask for discounted floor models. Buying your summer...
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Buying Your First Boat: Ready for Sun and Fun in Florida

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Summers in Florida are (with no exaggeration), beyond awesome. We have some of the best parks and attractions and honestly, it just doesn’t get any better. Fun in the sun is what Floridians do best. This season, if you're thinking about buying your first boat, take a look at this article first. There are things you should do before sailing off into that gorgeous orange sunset. Step 1: Understand the different boat types. Do you want to spend your summer offshore fishing or staying inland at a slower pace? Would you prefer to sail or go full throttle with a...
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Happy Birthday, Achieva!

By | Achieva in the Community, Articles, Finance | No Comments
The year is 1937, and the Great Depression is slowly drawing to a close. Franklin Delano Roosevelt is president, and his massive New Deal programs have provided jobs for thousands of unemployed Americans. World War II is still on the horizon, and the economy won’t fully recover until the defense of our nation becomes the primary business of the land. With banks across the country failing or failed, citizens are distrustful of large financial institutions. Determined to create a better opportunity, seven teachers pool their funds – a grand total of $99.25 – and the credit union is born. Eighty years...
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Protecting Your Property During Florida’s Rainy Season

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Low and behold, Florida's rainy season is quickly approaching. It begins in May and does not let up for five whole months. However, with every rain cloud, we truly believe there is a silver lining. We're going to show you steps to protect you home and yard during this soggy time. Why prepare for downpours? Sure, Floridians face a pretty narrow spectrum of problems when it comes to weather; but that does not mean they are any less serious. Lightning, hurricanes, intense heat... it all goes with the territory. Nevertheless, even though Florida's rainy season seems to be the least...
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Financial Tips for High School Graduates: What Millennials Should Know

By | Articles, College Life, Finance | No Comments
Congratulations! You or someone you know is about to graduate high school. They've ordered their cap and gown and are ready to walk across the graduation stage. It's an awesome milestone; yet, at the same time, there are many upcoming responsibilities to consider. As they transition into the chapter of adulthood, there may be a lot of questions about what they should expect when it comes to their money. We've filled this post with great information and are ready to share 5 financial tips for high school graduates. Don't forget to share this article to your graduate's Facebook timeline! 1. Credit is...
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ID Theft vs Fraud : What’s the Difference?

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Giant Corporation Database Hacked! Customer Accounts Compromised! Personal Information at Risk! With unsettling regularity we learn about massive security breaches of government or corporate databases, with the potential to reveal sensitive personal information. The probability of ID theft or financial damage is almost certain, but how do we protect ourselves? In this digital age, where hackers seem to be one step ahead of cyber security, CAN we protect our confidential data? The answer is yes, but understanding the options is critical to making the right protection decisions. ID theft generally occurs when a security breach happens. Thieves may use this...
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