All posts by Achieva Credit Union

Extra Funding to Support Your Successful Business Ideas

Get Extra Funding to Grow Your Business Ideas

By | Articles, Business | No Comments
Resources make a huge difference between thriving or failing. The right employees, equipment, and determination will help your business succeed. Imagine all the ways your customer base could grow if there was only some additional cash flow. See how extra funding can grow your business ideas by reading more below. What is an Achieva Small Business Loan? Big or small, your business needs financing options. With our highly personalized levels of service and a wide variety of business loans, Achieva has the tools you require. Successful business ideas start by having proper funding. With a Small Business Loan, growth is just...
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How Phones Impact Mobile Banking and Other Conveniences

How Phones Impact Mobile Banking and Other Conveniences

By | Articles, Technology | No Comments
Technology has a way of changing everything we do, including the way we bank. With news of Apple releasing 3 new iPhones in the near future, we began to wonder. How do phones impact mobile banking and other conveniences? Sure we could "survive" without online bill pay or depositing our checks using an app, but would we want to? Developers have to be versatile In order for a phone app to succeed, it has to be versatile. That means different types of phones have to be able to utilize it. Sure, you could write code that only caters to one type of...
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Achieva in the Community: 2018 Box Car Rally Event

Achieva in the Community: 2018 Box Car Rally Event

By | Achieva in the Community, Articles | No Comments
Make way this October for Achieva's 2018 Box Car Rally Event. This fast-paced race to the finish is fun for all ages. We're proud to be part of the community and as we swoop closer to race day, we've become more and more excited. This will be our 9th annual celebration and this year proves to be of epic proportions. There'll be racing, food trucks, games, and vendors. Best of all, all proceeds benefit The Achieva Foundation to provide local schools with classroom grants. This event is free, so come on out for a GOOD time for the entire family. When...
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How to Wake Up Early for School and Other Errands

Six Great Ways To Wake Up Early

By | Articles, College Life, Lifestyle | No Comments
It's 6 AM in the morning and your alarm clock is screaming at you. You've sunk deeper into the covers and now you're considering skipping your shower. It seems like the nights are so short and the mornings have turned into a frenzy. Is there a better way to learn how to be somewhere early? If you, or somebody you know, needs to step it up in the wake-up routine department, then look no further. We're here to give you the 6 best tips for morning productivity. Kick the stress and snooze buttons to the curb, find out ways to...
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Do These Smart Money Moves Before the Holiday Season

7 Smart Money Saving Tips Before the Holiday Season

By | Articles, Finance | No Comments
The inevitable holiday season is only 12 weeks away. Sure, we know you still feel the warmth of the summer sunshine and you've barely even considered this year's Thanksgiving plans. However, in exchange for our promptness, we offer a few bonafide tips to help your wallet. That's right. We'll cover some smart money moves that'll have your pockets full of excess cash before you can even say your first, "Merry." Furthermore, there's plenty of time to put these suggestions into practice. By using our super easy ways to earn a little money, you'll create a great surplus for holiday gifts. Continue reading to learn...
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Your Hectic Student Life Needs a Little Fresh Air

Your Hectic Student Life Needs a Little Fresh Air

By | Articles, College Life | No Comments
With the demands of a hectic student life, many college attendees find it hard to spend time outdoors. In fact, it's difficult not to feel the effects of cabin fever after studying inside all day. Most students simply forget to get a little fresh air on a daily basis. Here's how to change that: 1. Try eating lunch outside Even busy students need to pause for food breaks. Why not occasionally eat lunch outside? Gather a nice picnic blanket and find your favorite tree. Enjoy your meal outdoors with a cool breeze and feel the stresses of a hectic student life...
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7 Dorm Room Goals for Your New Space

7 Dorm Room Goals for Your New Space

By | Articles, College Life | No Comments
Currently, many college students are preparing to move away from home and settle into a new space. The transition to a dorm environment can be intimidating. And, if you're reading this article, you're most likely interested in how to make the best of it. Don't worry, we've got you covered. We'll show you 7 dorm room goals that you can achieve during your very first semester. 1. Color theme envy To begin, the first step to accomplishing your dorm room goals is to choose the colors. Most college dorms start with plain white walls so use this to your advantage....
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A Car Maintenance Schedule Proven to Save Money

A Preventative Car Maintenance Schedule That Saves Cash

By | Articles, Lifestyle | No Comments
Cars are a thing of beauty, and for most, a necessity. In cities where public transportation is not available, a car will take you everywhere you need to go. While the vehicles themselves are a major purchase, preventative car maintenance doesn't have to be. Having a good routine and schedule for car maintenance will save you loads of cash in the long run. Continue reading to learn more. The components of a good routine First and foremost, make sure to refer to the owner's manual of your car for exact timing of services. However, in regards to a good preventative car...
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Millennials Report Having a lot of Existing Consumer Debt

Millennials Report Having a Lot of Existing Consumer Debt

By | Articles, Finance | No Comments
A lot of big decisions happen between the ages of 25 to 34. Most people graduate from college, start a new job, purchase a home, and perhaps, get married. The current generation within this age bracket, called millennials, has been influenced financially as they transition through these life-changing milestones. At the same time, many find themselves dealing with a ton of consumer debt. Let's look at the numbers A study done by the U.S. Department of Labor states that the average American between the ages of 25-34 spends $1,903 annually on clothing. Additionally, they spend approximately $3,131 each year for dining...
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Common Home Emergencies and How to Solve Them

Common Home Emergencies and How to Solve Them

By | Articles, Home Buying, Lifestyle | No Comments
Alas, the joys of being a homeowner. It's so good until something goes wrong. While having your own space has many benefits, there are a lot of unrealized incidents that could happen around your house. Do you know how to react to the most common home emergencies? Let's examine now. Power Failures- If the lights go off, it's best to determine whether it is really a power outage or a problem within a breaker. You can start by checking the neighbor's house for power. If they are fully functional, then you know the problem may be within your home. Take a...
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